Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Thank God some common sense prevails. Today in an exclusive interview with Pakistan GEO TV channel Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif said the country is presenting a picture of a failed state as the entire system of the country seems to be collapsing. Well Mr. Sharif we are also saying same thing and in fact whole world is saying the same thing that Pakistan is on brink of becoming another Somalia but who cares in Pakistan?

A  Nation or Country which was born with the feelings of hatred, always feed on hatred, surviving on hatred; education based on hatred, economic is playing under Army and ISI people and now slowly sliding towards more chaos and in pathetic state that more and more areas are falling under Islamic militants and from Pakistan is ultimately becoming as Militants-tan-much worse than Somalia or Afghanistan. Take it or Leave it but fact will remain fact that Pakistan is not governed by civilian government but by terrorists.

Pakistan needs to learn some very basic principles of existence if they really want to survive and don’t want to become Somalia of South Asia like, value of humanity, freedom for all, justice for everyone and most important thing how to live or coexist peacefully with your neighbors.

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Pakistan Media Taunts Indian Security Agencies, Indian Army- Hindu Zionists and Western Zionists for Worst Ever Terror Attack on Indian Financial Capital

Pakistan Media taunts Indian Security Agencies, Indian Army- Hindu Zionists and Western Zionists for Worst Ever Terror Attack on Indian Financial Capital


Shame on Pakistan Media. Instead of condemning the worst ever attack on Indian soil, you people are trying to save your face from truth by misleading your people and whole world. You people got no shame. You people are talking of dignity and truth, you make me laugh look out your state of nation. Your President are trying to get loan to save you from going bankrupt and becoming a failed state. Pakistan is a country of loss dignity and shortage of shame, self respect and grace because of politicians you have and support for terrorist organization operating in Pakistan soil.

You people had tried raising propaganda by using media, so that you can save your black heads and red faces but you should go and ask people and you will know what people feel about your state of nation and about India as whole. People who are talking in this shows, shows that Pakistan politicians can’t even think of out of box and not even bothered about their own failure and state of nation where each city bleeds every day because of terrorist and because these sorts of leaders.

Pakistan attitude of keep Denial of its hand in terrorism in Indian soil is what is keeping this issue alive and increasing hatred among people of two nations.

If Pakistan refuse to hand over terrorist we have asked for, We should Unite and Stand this time and teach them lesson. I am not against of any nation but yes I care most about people of India, innocents citizens of my beloved country were brutally killed by terrorist trained and funded by Pakistan and Pakistani organizations.

Never Quit: Never surrender your (our) freedom. We have to fight back against the enemy called terrorism.

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