Jammu And Kashmir poll result leaves Pak media cold and Pak Leader’s Confused

Jammu And Kashmir poll result leaves Pak media cold and Pak Leader’s Confused

From Times of India:

For a country obsessed with the K word, the Pakistan English media was spectacularly reticent on the outcome of the Jammu and Kashmir election. Newspapers either ignored it or dismissed it in small news items. The Dawn on Monday carried a small 218-word report by Reuters from Srinagar headlined, No clear winner in Kashmir polls. “A period of uncertainty was expected before a coalition was cobbled together,” the report said. Pakistan may now be the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism, beyond even Iran. Yet it has never been listed by the US State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Read Full Story Here:

Well this is very much expected at least by me. Their whole bizarre media industry is busy in running down anti-India propaganda so how the hell is possible for them to show the truth about Indian democracy? They just can’t show to their people a truth about Indian Kashmir and what people of Kashmir in India think about Indian democracy.

It’s a bitter truth and hard to swallow because many Pakistani leader’s who are busy in running their bread and butter shop on the basis of Kashmir issue will find it real hard to digest that Jammu and Kashmir people had reject separatist call for elections boycott and came out to show faith in Indian democracy. Yes we have counted more that 60% turn around and this 60% voting is very hard for Pakistani leadership to digest.

Well I can understand their point of not digesting this fact that people of Jammu and Kashmir did came out to show faith in Indian democracy because if they digest this truth then Pakistan will have to suffer from many job losses as their terrorist (death) industry will go bankrupt and Jihadi’s will have no work (There is an entire jihad industry in Pakistan today which survives on Islamic causes like that in Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Chechnya among others)of killings innocent Kashmiris in the name of religion and nation theory.

Pakistan is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism and world largest exporter of terrorism.

Their whole theory of survival is based on hate and jealousy, because of these ghastly policies, they have made the Muslims in South Asia insecure and whole south east region a hub of terrorist activity. They just can’t digest success of India especially when it’s come to Kashmir issue. People of Jammu and Kashmir like everyone in India, enjoy our democracy, participate in elections and does hold faith in Indian establishment. Kashmiri’s in India could have more normal life and could be living a peaceful life had Pakistan followed some humanity path not the terror path and killing, terrorizing kashmiri’s in the name of religion and nation theory.

These elections and voting results shows that India is winning the allegiance of local’s of Jammu and Kashmir and this is not good sign for mentally bankrupt Pakistan Media and Pakistan Leadership. Pakistan is The Capital of Lie and false propoganda.

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A Revolutionary Change: Dalits (untouchables) defy Hindu Ban, Enter temple

A Revolutionary Change: Dalits (untouchables) defy Hindu Ban, Enter temple

From Times of India:

MADURAI: After a decade-long struggle, Dalits at Panthapuli village in Tirunelveli district entered the Kannanallur Mariamman temple with help of district officials defying a ban imposed by caste Hindus. Dalits, led by district collector G.Prakash and Superintendent of Police Asra Garg, entered the temple at Panthapuli near Sankarankovil on Wednesday. Though the caste Hindus resented the entry, they did not, however, make any effort to resist the move, apparently due to a stern warning issued by Prakash.

Read Full Story Here: We need this sort of revolutionary change more and more so we can put an end on this shame legacy of our society once for all.  Please do it more and Do it all over India, Remember everyone is equals in our society and in eyes of God too.

Secondly it is sickening that we still continue to describe some people (or should I call our own citizens of India) among us as Dalits, and Untouchables and it is very unfortunate that our national government and some national media too legitimize this label of discrimination for many reasons (that we can discuss it later). We don’t need words like Dalits, Untouchables in our Indian society. It’s just a shame that even today Caste System still occupies an important place in the Hindu religion.

If Hindu society wants to survive then it’s high time to time to stop discrimination (Dalits, Untouchables) from our society and start treating everyone equally….

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A Wonderful Christmas and A Happy Holidays

I Wish You All “A Wonderful Christmas and A Happy Holidays”. I hope you all stay safe and near family and friends this holiday season! Have A Wonderful Christmas and Happy Holidays Once Again!!




Ekawaaz: Christmas

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Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Thank God some common sense prevails. Today in an exclusive interview with Pakistan GEO TV channel Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif said the country is presenting a picture of a failed state as the entire system of the country seems to be collapsing. Well Mr. Sharif we are also saying same thing and in fact whole world is saying the same thing that Pakistan is on brink of becoming another Somalia but who cares in Pakistan?

A  Nation or Country which was born with the feelings of hatred, always feed on hatred, surviving on hatred; education based on hatred, economic is playing under Army and ISI people and now slowly sliding towards more chaos and in pathetic state that more and more areas are falling under Islamic militants and from Pakistan is ultimately becoming as Militants-tan-much worse than Somalia or Afghanistan. Take it or Leave it but fact will remain fact that Pakistan is not governed by civilian government but by terrorists.

Pakistan needs to learn some very basic principles of existence if they really want to survive and don’t want to become Somalia of South Asia like, value of humanity, freedom for all, justice for everyone and most important thing how to live or coexist peacefully with your neighbors.

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Indian Cricket Team cancels Pakistan Tour

Indian cricket team cancels Pakistan tour

The Indian cricket team won’t be traveling to Pakistan to play cricket. So finally the picture is clear. Today India’s sports minister Mr. M.S.Gill announced that India cricket team won’t be traveling to Pakistan to play cricket. Why we should show normality when our innocents are getting killed by Pakistani nationals in the name of religion.

India’s cricket tour of Pakistan was on Thursday officially called off with the government refusing permission to the team to travel across the border in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks, putting an end to the prolonged uncertainty on the fate of the series

It’s high time for Pakistan to choose between Peace, Normalcy improved relation or defending, protecting all terrorists and terrorist organizations.

The way Pakistan and its government are behaving and making U turns every day about quashing of terror outfits based in Pakistan seems like they are too scared to move even a single inch. And because this attitude and spineless leaders of Pakistan is allowing terrorism cult to spread to such degree that Pakistan has developed Death industry all over its border and exporting it to all over world.

And for me Cricket is not greater than the lives of innocents and fight against terrorism. So it’s a good decision by Government of India. I love cricket but don’t want our team to play cricket on bodies of our own innocents. First we need justice for those got killed in Mumbai attack next thing comes second or third.

First let Pakistan do whatever they had promised us and to the world in UNSC meeting, dismantle their most booming industry Terrorism and Death Industry and show some spine in tackling ISI and ARMY officials who are trying to save terrorist. Once they show us a genuine approach in tackling all the things that has been asked by us we can think of playing sports with them. Till then they can play some cricket with Laskar-e-Taiba and JUD terrorist to keep their form intact.

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Zaid Hamid one of the most stupid defense Analyst I have ever heard: Pakistan Media continue Taunting Hindu, Jews Zionist and BJP for Mumbai Attack

Zaid Hamid one of the most stupid defense Analyst I have ever heard: Pakistan Media continue Taunting Hindu and Jews Zionist for Mumbai Attack: Zaid Hamid is STUPID!!

So, let me get this straight, Mr.Zaid Haimd so called Defense analyst of Pakistan is saying same thing what he has been saying on all media channels in Pakistan since 1st of December 2008 just after Mumbai attack. He knows that Mumbai attack was carried out by Jews Zionist and Hindu Zionist and Pakistan can crush India in one go if Indian ever tried to do any strategical strikes to clean out their home grown terrorist camps and hideouts. Dream on Mr. Hamid…..

To be honest he is the one of the most stupid person or so called defense analyst I have ever seen or heard. Can’t believe that Pakistan have this sort of analyst who can put whole nation in chaos by issuing all nonsense statements in media. What he is trying to get by issuing statement that Western Nation believes his theory and knows that India terror attack was done by Jews Zionist and Hindu Zionist but not supporting Pakistan for different reasons? I am not able to get it. Does he think whole world is blind and can’t see things from their own eyes? Mr. Zaid Hamid please come out of yours dreams and illusions and accepts the fact and see the world from Humanity ground.

And don’t you ever think that you can crush India, if you have short memory then let me remind you Mr.Zaid hamid… remember Kargil? 1972 Bangladesh war if we lose our passions and then be sure that there will be no Pakistan this time. It will be Baluchistan, Sindhistan and many more like we did in 1972. And by the way do you really thing your Army can really fight when they can’t even flight with bloody Taliban’s and surrender to them like a girl. If you have forgotten then please check below video.

So it would be better if you see the things from Humanity eyes and see how many of your innocents are dying because of your this attitude. Your own home grown terrorists killing your own innocent’s people’s for nothing. So wake up or your attitude will kill your people first.

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Mumbai Terrorist Attack – Pakistan Link confirmed: Mumbai Terrorists Came from Pakistan UK national News Paper confirmed with Proofs…

Mumbai Terrorists Attack – Pakistan Link confirmed: Mumbai Terrorists Came from Pakistan….UK national news paper confirmed with Proofs…

Ajmal Amir Kasab the sole terrorist captured alive after worst ever attack on Indian soil is from Pakistan UK news paper confirmed. Ajmal Amir Kasab parents names are on Pakistan electoral role and even local villager’s did confirmed to reporter that they know Kasab and he did belongs to Pakistan but left the village about 4 year ago.

Ajmal Amir Kasab, interrogated in custody after last month’s attacks, which killed 163 people, reportedly told Indian security officials that he came from a place called Faridkot in the Punjab province. His father was named as Mohammed Amir, married to a woman named Noor. During the past week, Pakistani sources have cast doubt on the authenticity of the leaked information, which has had a predictably explosive impact on relations between the two countries.

The Observer has obtained electoral lists for Faridkot showing 478 registered voters, including a Mohammed Amir, married to Noor Elahi. Amir’s and Noor’s national identity card numbers have also been obtained. At the address identified in the list, a man identifying himself as Sultan said he was the father-in-law of Mohammed Amir.

A villager, who cannot be named for his own protection, said the village was an active recruiting ground for the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. ‘We know that boy [caught in Mumbai] is from Faridkot,’ he said. ‘We knew from the first night [of the attack]. They brainwash our youth about jihad, there are people who do it in this village. It is so wrong,’ he added.

Now I would like to know One of Most stupid Pakistani security consultant and strategic defense analyst I have ever seen or heard Mr. Zaid Hamid Views on this news and story. Mr. Zaid Hamid was so busy last week on Pakistan national channel giving his crap views about Mumbai attack and blamed that all attack was carried out by Hindu and Jewish Zionist and Pakistan got nothing to do with it, in fact he did told to new channel that Mr.Ajmal Amir kasab is not Muslim but a Hindu guy from India. I desperately need Mr.Hamid views on this story now….hope he won’t run away now……to hide his red face..come on Mr.Hamid let see what else you got say ……

Has India Gone Nuts?

Now quotas by religion? Remember Mr. V.P. Singh, who implemented the Mandal Commission recommendations as Prime Minister in 1990, is now come up with one more demand, Quota for Muslims too.

Hello? Wake UP…Has India gone nuts? What the hell is happening? Is our Democracy is dead? Why can’t one leader just one leader talk about equal opportunity? Why cant government and our so called leaders think of sorting out primary education system instead taking short cuts? Why they can’t provide the basic rights to all citizens of our beloved country equally? When our politicians get out of this caste & religion based politics and think for Indian’s and India. God Bless India.


V P Singh demands quota for Muslims

New Delhi: Seeking to revive the Mandal issue, former Prime Minister V P Singh on Saturday said Muslims should be accommodated in a sub-quota created within the 27 per cent quota earmarked in the Commission report.

“We are not demading a quota additional to the existing 27 per cent. We are seeking a sub-quota for Muslims,” Singh told reporter in Delhi.

“No Constitutional amendment is required. It is simple to implement. Since it will not disturb the existing reservation ratio, even BJP would not have any objection to it,” Singh said.


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Campaign for a real Christmas: Religious leaders unite against political correctness

Well Done. This make sense any attempts to suppress Christmas bring a backlash and Muslims get the blame. Like we heard earlier that some local authority attempts to stamp out Christmas include Birmingham’s decision to name its seasonal celebrations ‘Winterval’ and Luton’s attempt to change Christmas into a Harry Potter festival by renaming its festive lights ‘Luminos’ just appease particular community. Any more attempts similar to these will have bigger backlash. Christmas causes no offence to minority faiths, banning it offends almost everybody. Merry Christmas to all in advance.

A campaign to save the traditions of Christmas from the interference of politically correct town halls was launched by an influential coalition of Christian and Muslim leaders yesterday.

Leaders of the two faiths warned that attempts to suppress Christmas bring a backlash and Muslims get the blame.

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India’s Muslims feel unwanted, hurt by terror tag

India’s minority Muslims feel they are seen as unpatriotic and need to constantly prove they are not “terrorists”, according to a study ordered by the prime minister said on Thursday.

Report said “They carry a double burden of being labelled as ‘anti-national’ and as being ‘appeased’ at the same time,”

So question has to be asked why even most secular people feels that time is running out for religious integration? Why Muslims in India loosing sympathies from non Muslims? Why non Muslims in India and also all over the world feel that Muslims are creating closed society for themselves? Why the Muslim community was “excessively sensitive to criticism” and “unwilling to engage in substantive debate”. Does it is all fault of government policies? India where 90% percent of Muslims are Hindu converts, why in recent years started feelings that they are unwanted in their own nation and motherland?

I know many Muslims who swear by India and secularism, not Islam; the truth is also that, worldwide, Muslims appear to be firming up in their belief that their faith is more important than their nationality. That Islam is more important than India or UK or Saudi Arabia or any nation.

Take recent example of some Imams statements, about National songs, fatwa for killing cartoonist; these are few reasons why people are losing faith. We need proper debate if we really want to create a pure secular society. Unless government and leading religious leaders of every community don’t make any right move and start debating about this issues then for sure one day we will have two societies left one is Islam believers and other Non Islam believers, like decade ago we had witnessed pro communist and non communist society.


NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India’s minority Muslims feel they are seen as unpatriotic and need to constantly prove they are not “terrorists”, a study ordered by the prime minister said on Thursday.

“They carry a double burden of being labelled as ‘anti-national’ and as being ‘appeased’ at the same time,” the report, which was presented to parliament, said.

India’s ruling Congress party, which proudly flags its pluralist identity, has been accused by opposition Hindu nationalists of “appeasing” the country’s 138 million Muslims, who make up over 13 percent of the population.

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