Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Thank God some common sense prevails. Today in an exclusive interview with Pakistan GEO TV channel Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif said the country is presenting a picture of a failed state as the entire system of the country seems to be collapsing. Well Mr. Sharif we are also saying same thing and in fact whole world is saying the same thing that Pakistan is on brink of becoming another Somalia but who cares in Pakistan?

A  Nation or Country which was born with the feelings of hatred, always feed on hatred, surviving on hatred; education based on hatred, economic is playing under Army and ISI people and now slowly sliding towards more chaos and in pathetic state that more and more areas are falling under Islamic militants and from Pakistan is ultimately becoming as Militants-tan-much worse than Somalia or Afghanistan. Take it or Leave it but fact will remain fact that Pakistan is not governed by civilian government but by terrorists.

Pakistan needs to learn some very basic principles of existence if they really want to survive and don’t want to become Somalia of South Asia like, value of humanity, freedom for all, justice for everyone and most important thing how to live or coexist peacefully with your neighbors.

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Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, among other four Pakistani Militants added to UN terrorism sanctions list

Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, among other four Pakistani Militants added to UN terrorism sanctions list 

WASHINGTON – A United Nations Security Council committee put three Pakistani leaders of the group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and a Saudi operative on a terrorist watch list Wednesday as new evidence surfaced that the group blamed for the Mumbai (formerly Bombay) attacks has expanded its activities and its fundraising well beyond South Asia.

A UN document obtained by McClatchy said that LeT has sent operatives to attack US troops in Iraq, established a branch in Saudi Arabia, and been raising funds in Europe. The group may also have received money from Al Qaeda, suggesting that it has close ties with Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network based along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, the document said.

First hurdle Clear for India?

Militants included in list are Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi , Haji Muhammad Ashraf and Mohmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq. Yesterday the United Nations Security Council has forced sanctions, including a travel ban and assets freeze, on four leaders of a Pakistani militant group (Mr. Muhammad Saeed as leader of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi as it’s chief of operations, Mr. Ashraf as its chief of finance, and Mr. Bahaziq as its financier) blamed by India for last month’s deadly and worst ever attack terrorist attack on India soil in Mumbai.

All four were accused by India and US for terror attack in Mumbai on 26 November 2008 in which more than 180 innocent’s people were brutally killed by the terrorist trained and financed by Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (Let). Though India also wanted to include Hamid Gul on the UN terror watch list, notorious retired chief of ISI Pakistan but China a close ally of Pakistan blocked the move by vetoing the Security Council bill.

So what’s next? Will Pakistan government will be able to crack down on Terrorist organization operating in Pakistan? This is a big question as most of the terror outfits have got backing and even involvements of some of notorious spy agency ISI and Power Army of Pakistan member’s for training and financing purpose. But let see I am just hoping that this time government of Pakistan will do everything to make sure that these type of militants won’t be able to stand again, if Pakistan failed to do then international community are bound to clear out this mess at any cost.

Will this recent arrest and putting these militant under house arrest satisfy India? Of course not we need justice and we need these militant should understand that for every innocent killing in India you people have to pay price and a very big price. So Pakistan should hand over these militants to India so that we start our jurisdiction procedure and get the justice for innocents killed in Mumbai by these militants.

No Change in Pakistan’s Denial Policy: Refused to hand Over 21 Most wanted Terrorist involved in Mumbai Attack:

No Change in Pakistan’s Denial Policy: Refused to hand Over 21 Most wanted Terrorist involved in Mumbai Attack:

Mr. Zaradri refused India’s request to hand over 21 terrorist involved in terror attack on Indian Financial capital Mumbai. US officials are in India to reduce tension between Pakistan and India, but my question is do any one really understand the pain and anger of people of India?

Zardari also waffled his way past a question about India’s demand for handing over 20 terrorists living in Pakistan, saying he was “definitely going to look into all the possibility of any proof that is given to us.”

“At the moment these are just names of individuals. No proof, no investigation, nothing has been brought to forward,” he said. Some of the names in the Indian list, notably Dawood Ibrahim, are Indian nationals convicted in Indian courts. Ibrahim lives in the same neighborhood in Karachi (Clifton) where Zardari has a home, according to past reports in the Pakistani media.

Asked if he would turn over the fugitives (including Indian nationals) if India provided the proof, Zardari fudged again just like his predecessor, saying, “If we had the proof, we would try them in our courts, we would try them in our land and we would sentence them.” Accounts in the Pakistani media reveal many of the fugitives and outlaws live under ISI protection and patronage.

I am just waiting for our government reply on this issue, as if now we all know that Pakistan has officially refused India’s request. Hope this time our government will stand makes a stand and provides us justice. We need action, we want answer. We not going to sit quite this time, we must make sure that we keep this issue alive till we get justice for all innocents killed by terrorist in Mumbai on 26th November 2008.