Barack Obama Inauguration Day Live Coverage Online:Live Streaming of Inauguration Day Tuesday January 20 2009

Barack Obama Inauguration Day Live Coverage Online:Live Streaming of Inauguration Day Tuesday January 20 2009

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Obama Top Secret ‘Beast’ of a car Limo revealed

Obama Top Secret ‘Beast’ of a car Limo revealed

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Jammu And Kashmir poll result leaves Pak media cold and Pak Leader’s Confused

Jammu And Kashmir poll result leaves Pak media cold and Pak Leader’s Confused

From Times of India:

For a country obsessed with the K word, the Pakistan English media was spectacularly reticent on the outcome of the Jammu and Kashmir election. Newspapers either ignored it or dismissed it in small news items. The Dawn on Monday carried a small 218-word report by Reuters from Srinagar headlined, No clear winner in Kashmir polls. “A period of uncertainty was expected before a coalition was cobbled together,” the report said. Pakistan may now be the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism, beyond even Iran. Yet it has never been listed by the US State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Read Full Story Here:

Well this is very much expected at least by me. Their whole bizarre media industry is busy in running down anti-India propaganda so how the hell is possible for them to show the truth about Indian democracy? They just can’t show to their people a truth about Indian Kashmir and what people of Kashmir in India think about Indian democracy.

It’s a bitter truth and hard to swallow because many Pakistani leader’s who are busy in running their bread and butter shop on the basis of Kashmir issue will find it real hard to digest that Jammu and Kashmir people had reject separatist call for elections boycott and came out to show faith in Indian democracy. Yes we have counted more that 60% turn around and this 60% voting is very hard for Pakistani leadership to digest.

Well I can understand their point of not digesting this fact that people of Jammu and Kashmir did came out to show faith in Indian democracy because if they digest this truth then Pakistan will have to suffer from many job losses as their terrorist (death) industry will go bankrupt and Jihadi’s will have no work (There is an entire jihad industry in Pakistan today which survives on Islamic causes like that in Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Chechnya among others)of killings innocent Kashmiris in the name of religion and nation theory.

Pakistan is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism and world largest exporter of terrorism.

Their whole theory of survival is based on hate and jealousy, because of these ghastly policies, they have made the Muslims in South Asia insecure and whole south east region a hub of terrorist activity. They just can’t digest success of India especially when it’s come to Kashmir issue. People of Jammu and Kashmir like everyone in India, enjoy our democracy, participate in elections and does hold faith in Indian establishment. Kashmiri’s in India could have more normal life and could be living a peaceful life had Pakistan followed some humanity path not the terror path and killing, terrorizing kashmiri’s in the name of religion and nation theory.

These elections and voting results shows that India is winning the allegiance of local’s of Jammu and Kashmir and this is not good sign for mentally bankrupt Pakistan Media and Pakistan Leadership. Pakistan is The Capital of Lie and false propoganda.

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Finally a Son-Rise in Jammu and Kashmir: Omar Abdulah is set to become Chief Minister

Finally a Son-Rise in Jammu and Kashmir: Omar Abdulah is set to become Chief Minister of this beautiful state.

From Times of India:


Clearing all confusion, National Conference patron Farooq Abdullah on Monday said that he would recommend to his party that his son Omar  Abdullah should be the new chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, PTI reported. “The time has now come. I will recommend to the party that it should consider Omar Abdullah for the chief minister’s post. I thought over the issue during the night,” he said with Omar by his side.  Now the state should have a younger chief minister because there are a lot of things to do, the 72-year-old leader said.

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A sensible decision and hoping National Conference will be stick to this (No U Turn this time by Farooq Abdulha) decision and nominate him as new party leader, clearing a path for Omar to be become next CM of state.  We need young blood and energetic person to lead this state in order to bring new hopes and new dreams for the people of this state.


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Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election : Kashmiri Pandits fail to win a Single Seat

Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election : Kashmiri Pandits fail to win a single seat

From The Hindu

Jammu (PTI): For the first time, the Jammu and Kashmir assembly will have no Kashmiri Pandit members as all 47 candidates, including former minister Raman Mattoo, lost the elections. “It is for the first time in the history of Jammu and Kashmir that not even a single KP candidate could occupy a berth in the Jammu and Kashmir assembly,” all party migrant coordination committee (APMCC) Chairman Vinood Pandit said. Former Industries minister in the previous Congress-PDP coalition government, Raman Mattoo, lost to Shimeema Firdos of National Conference in Habbakadal assembly seat. In 2002, Mattoo had defeated Firdos from the same constituency.
Read Full Story Here:

Perhaps I would say Kashmir’s Pundit’s didn’t lose but democracy did. I don’t know honestly what to say about this news but, After all things happens in Jammu and Kashmir from Amarnath yatra row till major separatist movement uprising in Jammu and Kashmir in recent months, I would have preferred to have a every community represented (from separatist to Pundits), in the assembly to make sure that every community is represented at every level in the decision making process, so that a much needed peace and stability can be bring in this beautiful state. Anyway now the results are out so no complaints really it’s an election some people win and some loose but whoever has won Hindu, Sikh or Muslim they have huge responsibility on their shoulder to deliver this time. They have to make sure that interest of all the people, community and religion living in Jammu and Kashmir should be taken care with honesty and dignity.

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Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election Results on Dec 28, 2008:No Son-Rise in Jammu and Kashmir: Farooq Abdullah will be next CM of Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election Results on Dec 28, 2008:

No Son-Rise in Jammu and Kashmir: Farooq Abdullah will be next CM of Jammu and Kashmir.

From Times Of India:

Farooq does a U-turn, says I’ll be J&K CM: SRINAGAR: National Conference patron Farooq Abdullah jumped into the chief ministerial race saying he will head a potential NC-Congress government  in Jammu and Kashmir, hours after indicating that his son Omar Abdullah will get the top job. Answering a flurry of questions on the chief ministership, Abdullah declared he would be the next chief minister. The 72-year-old veteran has been chief minister during three spells between 1982 and 2002.

Read Full Story Here:

It doesn’t matter at this moment who will be the next Chief Minister of Jammu And Kashmir State; only thing matter at this moment is who ever will become CM Son or Dad they must deliver this time. No looking back and please No political games this time. State and people have state had suffered a lot. Coming CM and government must win the heart of locals and try to bring much needed peace in this beautiful state.

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LIVE Update of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election Results on Dec 28, 2008

LIVE Update of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election Results on Dec 28, 2008

Final result: Total seats 87, NC 28, PDP 21, Cong 17, Independents 4, others 6

Update: 9

Congress I: Leading in 14 seats Won 2 Seats

National Conference: Leading in 19 seats Won 5 Seats

PDP: Leading in 19 seats Won 3 Seats

BJP: Leading in 11 seats Won 4 Seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

Update: 8

Congress I: Leading in 14 seats Won 2 Seats

National Conference: Leading in 21 seats Won 4 Seats

PDP: Leading in 19 seats Won 3 Seats

BJP: Leading in 12 seats Won 2 Seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

 Update: 7

Congress I: Leading in 14 seats Won 2 Seats

National Conference: Leading in 22 seats Won 3 Seats

PDP: Leading in 19 seats Won 3 Seats

BJP: Leading in 12 seats Won 2 Seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

Update: 6

Congress I: Leading in 15 seats Won 1 Seat

National Conference: Leading in 23 seats Won 2 Seats

PDP: Leading in 19 seats Won 3 Seats

BJP: Leading in 12 seats Won 2 Seat

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

Omar Abdullah prefers alliance with Congress : A sensible Decision, hopefully congress I will reply in a positive way

Update: 5 

Congress I: Leading in 15 seats Won 1 Seat

National Conference: Leading in 23 seats Won 2 Seats

PDP: Leading in 20 seats Won 2 Seats

BJP: Leading in 13 seats Won 1 Seat

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

 Breaking News:

Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Elections results heading for Hung assembly

Update: 4

Congress I: Leading in 17 seats

National Conference: Leading in 23 seats Won 2 Seats

PDP: Leading in 20 seats Won 2 Seats

BJP: Leading in 13 seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

Breaking News: Mufti Mohammad Sayeed Won 

Source Time of India

Update: 3

Congress I: Leading in 16 seats

National Conference: Leading in 23 seats Won 1 Seats

PDP: Leading in 22 seats Won 1 Seats

BJP: Leading in 13 seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Comment: National Conferance should try to explore the possiblities of alliance with Congress I instead of PDP

Update: 2

Congress I: Leading in 16 seats

National Conference: Leading in 23 seats Won 1 Seat

PDP: Leading in 23 seats

BJP: Leading in 13 seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

Comment: Congress I should not go with PDP even if they come to ask for support..Learn some thing form last time better to be with national conferance

Breaking news: Omar Abdulha Won

Breaking news: Mehbooba Mufti Won

Update: 1:

Congress I: Leading in 15 seats

National Conference: Leading in 23 seats Won 1 Seat

PDP: Leading in 23 seats

BJP: Leading in 12 seats

Independents: Leading in 7 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India

It appears that by looking at the early trends Jammu and Kashmir Assembly is heading for hung assembly this time. PDP and national conference for sure will be looking at congress I for support if they wish to make government. BJP might be able to get double digits for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir Assembly results. Let’s wait and watch

 As if now trends indicates:

Congress I: Leading in 13 seats

National Conference: Leading in 22 seats Won 1 Seat

PDP: Leading in 19 seats

BJP: Leading in 12 seats

Independents: Leading in 6 seats

Other: Leading in 3 seats

Source Time of India
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Gujarat ministers, MLAs New Year Treats: Likely to get 25% pay hike

Gujarat ministers, MLAs New Year Treats: Likely to get 25% pay hike

While the people of Indian’s are suffering from recession, job loss and economic crisis our so called leaders are treating themselves by hiking their own salary and that also at par with Government class 1 Officers. Unbelievable.

From Time of India:

At a time when private companies and corporate houses are planning to cut costs, the Gujarat government has proposed a 25 per cent increase in salaries of MLAs and ministers, sources in the government said.  The new pay scale, at par with those of Class I officers, will come into effect from April 2009, sources said.  “In 2005, we had passed a bill in the state assembly by which pay scales of MLAs and ministers have been brought at par with a Class I government servant,” state assembly speaker Ashok Bhatt said.

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In times of recession, there should be no pay hike, perks for Indian leaders. It’s a time to tight the belt of all politicians and bureaucrats. Like corporate and big companies are busy in cost cutting our government should all do the same instead of treating all leaders for doing nothing.

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Pakistan track record responsible for India’s lack of faith: Fatima Bhutto

Pakistan track record responsible for India’s lack of faith: Fatima Bhutto

Not only are Indian Government and Senior administration officials rushing out to the world saying that We can’t Trust Pakistan and Its leader’s  but some prominent Pakistani’s people are saying same thing that “Pakistan track record responsible for India’s lack of faith”.  Fatima Bhutto niece of Slain former premier Benazir Bhutto’s wrote in a column for ‘Al-Jazeera’ that


Given the government’s track record, one can understand India’s lack of faith in Pakistan’s justice system,” she wrote in the piece titled, “S Asian neighbours’ linked destinies. The Mumbai attacks, gruesome in nature and planning, have already been given a 9/11 nomenclature – 11/26. That is how many in Mumbai now refer to the violent siege of their city. While the world watches and waits for answers, and for those responsible to be condemned.” “Pakistan’s government has provided little assurance that peace will prevail between the two countries in the coming year,” Read Full Story Here:

She is quite right and bold enough to accept the truth. It is very true that Pakistan track record of tackling terrorist organisation within Pakistan is a biggest joke of this century. From War on terrorism till today Pakistan has done nothing to prove that they are strong enough, honest enough in clearing out the mess of terrorists and terrorist organisation operating within Pakistan.

All worlds knows that all the terrorist organisation based in Pakistan is only surviving because Pak’s Army and ISI wants them to survive and use them time to time to kill Indian’s and make India unstable country, but unfortunately they had failed till now in their motives.  Secondly I guess it’s a defining characteristics of this country leader’s was its shamelessness. All over world people knows, Pakistan Administration knows that terrorist organisation based in Pakistan is responsible for Mumbai Massacre but Pakistan policy of keep denial and keep protecting their own home grown terror babies is what keeping South Asia region in chaos.

Unless Pakistan change its attitude and show genuine approach in tackling with these terrorists ‘ No One will have faith in Them and in their Leader’s.

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Indians told Pakistan ‘Not Safe’: A sensible move by Government of India

Indians told Pakistan ‘Not Safe’: A sensible move by Government of India

From Times of India:

India on Friday warned its citizens against travelling to Pakistan, in a step designed to thwart dirty tricks from Pakistan which on Wednesday had tried to blame a blast in Lahore on an alleged Indian spy. The alert was sounded even as Islamabad’s Lahore frame-up came unstuck with a little-known Taliban outfit based in North Waziristan, Ansar Wa Mohajir, stepping up to claim responsibility for the December 24 blast.

Read Full Story Here: A sensible move by our government. Yesterday government of India made a very sensible and smart decision by issuing warnings to its citizens against travelling to Pakistan. As Pakistan is involved in dirty politics and arresting Indian citizens on false propaganda in order to divert international pressure, it would be better for Indians not to travel Pakistan till Pakistan genuinely shows its right approach in tackling its home grown death industry (terrorist organization).

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