20 Mumbai Terror Attackers & Plotters Still Missing: Estimates of the number of attackers have ranged from 10 to 30: Search for Missing Terrorist Begins

20 Mumbai Terror Attackers & Plotters Still Missing: Estimates of the number of attackers have ranged from 10 to 30: Search for Missing Terrorist Begins

Just when we thought it’s over!!! 

Another scary and disturbing story is started coming in. NewYork Times confirms that the 10 men who carried out the terrorist attacks here last month were among 30 recruits selected for suicide missions, and that the whereabouts of the other 20 were unknown.

So question is where are they? Are they in India and looking for another opportunity to strike again?

Are we scared for ourselves and for our families? Answer is yes many of us will start feeling nervousness again as now we know that not all the terrorist were caught or got killed by our Army, Police or NSG commandos. 10 terrorist were either got killed or caught by our forces but whereabouts of the rest gang members are still a mystery. We don’t know where are they? They are in India or not in India? All these questions are will start making many people in India nerves and I don’t see anything wrong it, it’s just government and our security forces have to act smartly and fast to catch other’s as soon as possible if they are still in India and roaming free so that people of India can live in peace.

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Pakistan under More Pressure: India released Names and Full Details of Terrorist involved in Mumbai Terror Attack

Pakistan under More Pressure: India released Names and Full Details of Terrorist involved in Mumbai Terror Attack

Pakistan government comes under more pressure after Indian authorities released the full details of terrorist involved in Mumbai terror to act strictly and decisively this time. Indian Authorities in Mumbai today released the full details of all ten terrorist involved in Mumbai terror act. Indian authorities has provided evidence which clearly shows and confirms that all ten terrorist are Pakistani national and has been trained in Pakistan with the help ISI, Let and JUD. So will Pakistan really going to act this time decisively so that we both country can live peacefully?

Mumbai Terrorist, Source Times.co.uk

Mumbai Terrorist, Source Times.co.uk


Police released the names of the nine gunmen killed in last month’s attack on Mumbai and listed their home towns in Pakistan yesterday, stepping up the pressure on the Pakistani authorities to crack down on the militants allegedly responsible.

Pakistan, meanwhile, raided another five militant sites and detained 20 more suspects but refused to extradite any of those it has arrested to India, promising to try them on its own soil instead.


I have doubts about the Pakistan intentions and willingness to get rid of these organizations. I do have many reasons to doubt about intentions of Pakistan government in dealing with terrorist but don’t want to go into details of all reasons but in short look at the past track records of Pakistan government and Army in tackling terrorist organizations. US-India both confirmed Pakistan that India does have full evidence which clearly shows that full terror plan for terror attack in Mumbai was made and executed from Pakistan based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), so this time Pakistan have to act decisively and even government of Pakistan did confirmed that they will act strictly.

But look at the mess again Pakistan is creating now or should I say a trick to buy some time for its dirty intelligence agency ISI and Powerful Army generals to clean their hands, arresting terrorist members of Jama’at-ud-Da’awa (JuD) and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and putting them into house arrest is a joke. We are not dealing with politicians or community leaders that you put them into house arrest and give them respect, we are dealing with terrorist or should I call deadly terrorist. You (Pakistan) are supposed to act in strict manner, if you can’t deal with them then let other forces deal with them.

Pakistan must act decisively and strictly this time either under pressure or willingly. World is looking at you so don’t let them down. 

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Mumbai Terrorist Attack – Pakistan Link confirmed: Mumbai Terrorists Came from Pakistan UK national News Paper confirmed with Proofs…

Mumbai Terrorists Attack – Pakistan Link confirmed: Mumbai Terrorists Came from Pakistan….UK national news paper confirmed with Proofs…

Ajmal Amir Kasab the sole terrorist captured alive after worst ever attack on Indian soil is from Pakistan UK news paper confirmed. Ajmal Amir Kasab parents names are on Pakistan electoral role and even local villager’s did confirmed to reporter that they know Kasab and he did belongs to Pakistan but left the village about 4 year ago.

Ajmal Amir Kasab, interrogated in custody after last month’s attacks, which killed 163 people, reportedly told Indian security officials that he came from a place called Faridkot in the Punjab province. His father was named as Mohammed Amir, married to a woman named Noor. During the past week, Pakistani sources have cast doubt on the authenticity of the leaked information, which has had a predictably explosive impact on relations between the two countries.

The Observer has obtained electoral lists for Faridkot showing 478 registered voters, including a Mohammed Amir, married to Noor Elahi. Amir’s and Noor’s national identity card numbers have also been obtained. At the address identified in the list, a man identifying himself as Sultan said he was the father-in-law of Mohammed Amir.

A villager, who cannot be named for his own protection, said the village was an active recruiting ground for the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. ‘We know that boy [caught in Mumbai] is from Faridkot,’ he said. ‘We knew from the first night [of the attack]. They brainwash our youth about jihad, there are people who do it in this village. It is so wrong,’ he added.

Now I would like to know One of Most stupid Pakistani security consultant and strategic defense analyst I have ever seen or heard Mr. Zaid Hamid Views on this news and story. Mr. Zaid Hamid was so busy last week on Pakistan national channel giving his crap views about Mumbai attack and blamed that all attack was carried out by Hindu and Jewish Zionist and Pakistan got nothing to do with it, in fact he did told to new channel that Mr.Ajmal Amir kasab is not Muslim but a Hindu guy from India. I desperately need Mr.Hamid views on this story now….hope he won’t run away now……to hide his red face..come on Mr.Hamid let see what else you got say ……

Fresh CCTV Footage of Mumbai Terror Attacks

Fresh CCTV Footage of Mumbai Terror Attacks:

Police released new CCTV footage of Taj hotel, where we can see our brave police officers are fighting with these bloody terrorist without wearing any bullet proof jackets. 

Hats Off to Our Heroes, Police, Army, NSG Commandos and fire Fighters.



India Fight against Terrorism: Federal agency And New Anti-Terror Law to Fight War on Terror

India Fight against terrorism:  Federal agency And New Anti-Terror law to fight war on terror

Times of India today reported that Central Government of India is considering the federal agency with new anti-terror law to fight against terrorism anywhere in country.

Terror strike in India has been increasing year by year. More than 15 states are affected by terrorist strikes, serial bomb blasts and killing of innocents. Latest and worst ever strike by terrorist on Indian soil on 26th November 2008 in Mumbai has again raised the question of having Federal investigation agency with tough anti-terrorism law to fight with terrorism in India.  Government is ready to give a go head in order to fight with terrorists and I just hope bill of having Federal Agency and Tough Anti-terror law will be passed smoothly in coming session of parliament. We don’t need to delay in forming one single channel agency in order fight against cowards terrorist. So I just request to all parties and members of Parliament please pass this law with thumping majority and show the world we are united when it comes to India sovereignty. India Must Fight Back……..


Shaken by the terror attacks on Mumbai, and under pressure to demonstrate it means Business, the Centre plans to work around law and order being a state subject by terming terror strikes as attacks on “sovereignty” of the country. This would allow the Union government to pass a law setting up the FIA.

Determined to get the FIA passed in the forthcoming session of Parliament due to get underway on December 10, the government also plans to confer wider discretion to central security and law enforcement agencies to facilitate smooth interception of telephonic conversations of terror suspects by strengthening provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act.

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Pakistan Feared Attack by India on their Country

Pakistan feared attack by India on their country:

Today, BBC story pointed out that Pakistan’s High Commissioner to London (High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hassan) said there was evidence that India wanted “to teach Pakistan a lesson”. Mr. Hassan told the BBC that he had received the information in the wake of the worst ever terror attack on Indian soil.

While I agree war is a terrible thing and I do not want any of our soldiers hurt or get killed but the thought process of these fanatic terrorists and ISI has to be stopped. Mr. Hassan let me clear you here that normal Pakistanis are not our enemy, but fundamentalist Mullahs are, ISI yes, some of your leader’s yes, they are out to give all sort of support to Taliban’s, terrorist operating in Kashmir and in Afghanistan so that they can attack our country. Take my word these sorts of Mullahs, ISI and terrorist organization are enemies of Pakistan too. Your corrupt people and leader’s has a history of selling nuclear technology to rogue states (North Korea) and it is also fact that Pakistan is currently home of Taliban and many other deadly terrorist organization.

So what we have said or our government has requested to Pakistan government is to better keep your promise this time and go along with our idea and world idea of wiping out the terrorist organization operating within your country and getting all support from your notorious spy agency ISI.  Bombing and Killing innocents is not our motives, all we need either you take out crap created by your people or let other nation do this job if you are too cowards and can’t fight with these terrorist and chickens.

I don’t think fully fledged war is the only option for India, but yes once diplomacy fail, then of course it would be great if all nations who are affected by terrorism take a short term missing into Pakistan to wipe out these dirty terrorist.  

But before I end I would love to ask one question from Mr. Hassan

How much blood is enough to satisfy your ISI people?  Do you know what is difference between your ISI, ARMY, and in Indian’s?  You people love death, Indian loves life that is the very basic difference between you and us.  You people better sort out your policies this time or be ready to face consequences.


Pakistan feared India was planning to launch a military strike at the height of tensions over the Mumbai attacks, a senior Pakistani diplomat has said.  Pakistan’s High Commissioner to London said there was evidence that India wanted “to teach Pakistan a lesson”.  Islamabad denies involvement in the attacks which left at least 170 dead, but some of the gunmen are said to have had links to Pakistani militants.


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Pakistan Leadership is dancing on the bodies of our innocent people and laughing: Pakistan to demand handing over of Most Wanted terrorists from Delhi: Mr. Bal Thackeray is the most prominent name!

Pakistan Leadership is dancing on the bodies of our innocent people and laughing:  Pakistan to demand handing over of Most Wanted terrorists from Delhi: Mr. Bal Thackeray is the most prominent name.


ISLAMABAD: Islamabad has prepared a list of some 35 top terrorists, involved in a number of terror activities in Pakistan and is set to hand over the names to Delhi seeking an early arrest and handing over of the accused to Pakistan, the British daily The ‘Daily Mail’ reported on Wednesday.

According to well-placed sources, the list has been prepared by the Pakistan Foreign Office and the Ministry of Interior, with the assistance of police and intelligence authorities, in the backdrop of the investigations of different incidents of terrorism and sabotage in different parts of the country.


Pakistan’s Leadership became an international joke. Current leadership of Pakistan and its response to India demand about handling over 20 terrorist involved in this attack shows that Pakistan is a failed state may be not in terms of economics but for sure in terms of ideology. It would be better for Pakistan to act fast enough without indulging into tit for tat policy so that people from all over the world start believing in them and share their point of view also. Pakistan just don’t understand or I should say they don’t want to understand that no one is blaming Pakistan government or normal citizen involved in attack.
All we are saying that initial investigation and by going through the words of sole terrorist captured in Mumbai is that planning was made in Pakistan and they had full support of some real people and organization in executing this attack on Indian soil. It’s just sad that leader’s of Pakistan are not ready to accept the truth,  that there are many organization working in Pakistan and enjoying support of many real people organization in organizing, planning and executing terror attack in India and also in Afghanistan, and it’s not allegations it’s a truth. It would be better if Pakistan understands this, accept this and start fighting with this mess created by their own people and by their own agencies for many different reasons. This sort of response by Pakistan political leaders is damaging the nation self respect among the world community.
Stop this game, don’t try to test our passions any more, if we lose our passions it will be very difficult for you find place to hide your face.

Government of India should take decisive action this time, we must fight back.


My Fellow Citizens and Leader’s: Time to Declare War on the Enemy

My Fellow Citizens and Leader’s: Time to Declare War on the Enemy


Many of us are going through anger, deep feeling of insecurity and sleepless night after seeing the brutal killing of our fellow citizens in Mumbai (Bombay) on 26th of November 2008. Many leader’s has resigned from government and some more will follow taking moral responsibility of this worst ever attack on Indian soil since our creation. Resignation of our top cabinet minister won’t solve the very basic problem and won’t give us answer of the question we are asking. Many of us felt glad and felt light hearted after hearing the resignation of ministers but my heart still pondering about the very basic question. How did our system failed? How this did happen why no one from our all security agency came forward and accepted this fact?  

I am as citizen of India not really bothered about what minster or bureaucrat got what portfolios, who has resigned and who has failed in performing its own duty. All I want from this government and agencies to give us a clear picture, be responsible and answerable about this brutal killings of my fellow innocent citizens. Resignation or sacking of minster and bureaucrats’ is just a trick of diverting our mind from main question to another one.

This is a fact that our system failed to protect us on 26th November and all I want from government is to come forward accept this truth and tell us how they want to rectify this failure, tell us clearly who are responsible for this barbaric act and what our government will be doing to bring these terrorist to justice.

Government is ruling out any military action against the enemies of this country. So how we are going to deal with this enemy? As per primary report suggest that all terrorist were from Pakistan, and our government did requested to Pakistan to hand over these terrorist to us, but Pakistan not only refused to do so but also stretched out that even if we provide them evidence about their involvement they won’t hand over them to us but will be tried in Pakistan only under Pakistan law.

So what option left for our government? How we going to get these people? I want simple answer. Pressure game is not going to solve any purpose, we had seen this tactics in past and I am sure I don’t have to say that it’s a failure especially in our case.

American’s leader’s can issue as many as statements in support and sympathy of India’s but take my word they won’t be able to put any direct pressure on Pakistan as they need their support in “War on terrorism” especially on Afghanistan border. Like President Elect Mr. Obama has said India has every right to protect herself, why can’t our government say this sort statement? Why our governments want us to keep calm? We have been keeping our calm and respect since long but it’s enough now. Enough is enough

We had seen in past that despite pressure from all over the world, Pakistan still supports terrorist organization operating in so called Azad Kashmir or we call Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. To please the world master Pakistan, She did banned groups, put false sanctions on them but never ever arrested people belonging to these terrorist groups and handed over to Interpol. Why? How the hell is this possible that despite ban and sanction these organization still operating with different names but doing similar work (Making Terrorist and playing with the life of innocents).

As per current situation and current state of mind Pakistan position is unacceptable. By refusing India’s demand to hand over the most wanted terrorist shows Pakistan is not ready to change its policy (giving harbor to terrorist organization), no matter what ever government of Pakistan say or sympathizes on Mumbai attack.

We must understand this clearly that Pakistan policy of keep denying the facts pose a danger to our country. If we really want to eliminate this danger we must act within our rights to protect our self and our country from terrorist. We need a determined program to eliminate this threat, a proper security system, and disaster management tool and on time response unit if we really want to make sure this country is safe from coward terrorist. We needed now is a comprehensive political and military strategy for bringing down these terrorist organization operation in POK with support of ISI. I know it will not be easy and the course of action I favor is not without its problems and perils. But I believe the vital national interests of our country require the attack on terrorist targets and their bases no matter where ever they are situated.

This is a high time for us and for our government to act and destroy this network or we will be facing more threats from these terrorist and if we really fail to act this time then we just wait and watch the sorry state of our beloved country and we will see the making of another Iraq or Afghanistan on Indian soil.

I just hope and wish that our government will present precious gift to us and also to people of this world who love freedom and democracy by destroying these terrorist base and leaders of terrorist organization working against the humanity and India. We must stand united in this moment of crisis and extend all sorts of support and wishes to our government to take tough action against enemies of India.  The Government has to make up its mind about what it will do.  It should consider all the options it has including taking army action where ever we need, but never on the basis of party politics or vote bank politics. I support that the action must take place and that action must be decisive.

I do have different opinion about our national government but I still wish to stand by the government.  I am prepared to stand by present government, if government is prepared to stand by the nation and make a decisive move with clear communication and strategy.

Remember we have suffered a blow on the heart and soul of India. Mumbai Attack was not terrorist attack but an attack against India. So we must act and we should call war on the enemy and take a decisive action.

No Change in Pakistan’s Denial Policy: Refused to hand Over 21 Most wanted Terrorist involved in Mumbai Attack:

No Change in Pakistan’s Denial Policy: Refused to hand Over 21 Most wanted Terrorist involved in Mumbai Attack:

Mr. Zaradri refused India’s request to hand over 21 terrorist involved in terror attack on Indian Financial capital Mumbai. US officials are in India to reduce tension between Pakistan and India, but my question is do any one really understand the pain and anger of people of India?

Zardari also waffled his way past a question about India’s demand for handing over 20 terrorists living in Pakistan, saying he was “definitely going to look into all the possibility of any proof that is given to us.”

“At the moment these are just names of individuals. No proof, no investigation, nothing has been brought to forward,” he said. Some of the names in the Indian list, notably Dawood Ibrahim, are Indian nationals convicted in Indian courts. Ibrahim lives in the same neighborhood in Karachi (Clifton) where Zardari has a home, according to past reports in the Pakistani media.

Asked if he would turn over the fugitives (including Indian nationals) if India provided the proof, Zardari fudged again just like his predecessor, saying, “If we had the proof, we would try them in our courts, we would try them in our land and we would sentence them.” Accounts in the Pakistani media reveal many of the fugitives and outlaws live under ISI protection and patronage.

I am just waiting for our government reply on this issue, as if now we all know that Pakistan has officially refused India’s request. Hope this time our government will stand makes a stand and provides us justice. We need action, we want answer. We not going to sit quite this time, we must make sure that we keep this issue alive till we get justice for all innocents killed by terrorist in Mumbai on 26th November 2008.

Pakistan Media Taunts Indian Security Agencies, Indian Army- Hindu Zionists and Western Zionists for Worst Ever Terror Attack on Indian Financial Capital

Pakistan Media taunts Indian Security Agencies, Indian Army- Hindu Zionists and Western Zionists for Worst Ever Terror Attack on Indian Financial Capital


Shame on Pakistan Media. Instead of condemning the worst ever attack on Indian soil, you people are trying to save your face from truth by misleading your people and whole world. You people got no shame. You people are talking of dignity and truth, you make me laugh look out your state of nation. Your President are trying to get loan to save you from going bankrupt and becoming a failed state. Pakistan is a country of loss dignity and shortage of shame, self respect and grace because of politicians you have and support for terrorist organization operating in Pakistan soil.

You people had tried raising propaganda by using media, so that you can save your black heads and red faces but you should go and ask people and you will know what people feel about your state of nation and about India as whole. People who are talking in this shows, shows that Pakistan politicians can’t even think of out of box and not even bothered about their own failure and state of nation where each city bleeds every day because of terrorist and because these sorts of leaders.

Pakistan attitude of keep Denial of its hand in terrorism in Indian soil is what is keeping this issue alive and increasing hatred among people of two nations.

If Pakistan refuse to hand over terrorist we have asked for, We should Unite and Stand this time and teach them lesson. I am not against of any nation but yes I care most about people of India, innocents citizens of my beloved country were brutally killed by terrorist trained and funded by Pakistan and Pakistani organizations.

Never Quit: Never surrender your (our) freedom. We have to fight back against the enemy called terrorism.

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