Obama Top Secret ‘Beast’ of a car Limo revealed

Obama Top Secret ‘Beast’ of a car Limo revealed

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Recession and Economy Crisis: Top Companies Rebranded

Recession and Economy Crisis: Top Companies Rebranded

Recession and Worldwide Economy Crisis has Forced some of the Top companies to rebrand their company with new logo and slogan in order to survive in this highly unpredictable economy slowdown.

But the best thing about this all economic crash is that we know we are IN, we are suffering but we don’t how and when we will get out of this crisis. Anyway I guess hopefully we all will be ok in coming years if not in months.

Have a look on all rebrand and have some light fun……..

Source: Times of India





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Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan presenting picture of A Failed State

Thank God some common sense prevails. Today in an exclusive interview with Pakistan GEO TV channel Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif said the country is presenting a picture of a failed state as the entire system of the country seems to be collapsing. Well Mr. Sharif we are also saying same thing and in fact whole world is saying the same thing that Pakistan is on brink of becoming another Somalia but who cares in Pakistan?

A  Nation or Country which was born with the feelings of hatred, always feed on hatred, surviving on hatred; education based on hatred, economic is playing under Army and ISI people and now slowly sliding towards more chaos and in pathetic state that more and more areas are falling under Islamic militants and from Pakistan is ultimately becoming as Militants-tan-much worse than Somalia or Afghanistan. Take it or Leave it but fact will remain fact that Pakistan is not governed by civilian government but by terrorists.

Pakistan needs to learn some very basic principles of existence if they really want to survive and don’t want to become Somalia of South Asia like, value of humanity, freedom for all, justice for everyone and most important thing how to live or coexist peacefully with your neighbors.

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Pakistan has rejected Britain’s request to Question Suspects Arrested in connection with last month’s Mumbai Attacks.

Pakistan has rejected Britain’s request to question suspects arrested in connection with last month’s Mumbai attacks.

Yesterday TimesOnline.co.uk UK national tabloid reported that Pakistan rejects UK request to question Mumbai terror suspects. In a detailed report newspaper confirmed that Mr.Gordon Brown made the request for interrogation of suspects by UK police with Pakistani Leader’s on Sunday. But Pakistan government has turn down his request.

So what’s next? Another round of diplomatic pressures? Another round of meetings with heads of Pakistan establishment, another round of Talk and Talks only? No…We have to accept this fact that rejection of UK request to question suspects is a major blow to all international and diplomatic efforts to investigate the terror attack in Mumbai. By turning down this sort of request Pakistan and Mr. Yusuf Gilani showed their intentions very clear, that we are not going to act against culprits and we won’t let anyone else to act against terrorist. Well nothing new in Pakistan policy of denial. I knew it from start, and it’s confirmed now so not a big fuzz. It is very clear Pakistan is only playing political games and buying time for its military establishment to wash out their hands from terror networks and trying to safe their ISI guilty faces.


Till last week every people from Government of Pakistan was saying they are ready to co-operate with Mumbai terror attack investigation. So how come they are refusing it now? Why they are refusing British Police to interrogate suspects in regards of Mumbai terror? Why they are so reluctant? These questions raise doubts about Pakistan’s commitment to fighting terror. And let me tell you this sort of attitude show that the Pakistani government is either unable (because of ISI and Powerful Army) or reluctant to quash Terrorists organizations within Pakistan and to stop terrorists from using Pakistani soil to launch attacks on India and around world from UK to USA.

Source Timesonline.co.uk

Mumbai Attack: Source Timesonline.co.uk



Well my take on this sort of attitude is that Pakistan Government and Army establishment are scared of Truth and they know it very well that in interrogation, truth will come out and it will damage Pakistan reputation badly in world community. And to be honest this is not first time Pakistan has denied interrogation of terror suspects, same thing they did in Daniel Pearl murder case. They refused to extradite Omar Sheikh, the British Born Muslims convicted of the killing, because that time also Pakistan government and army establishment was in fear that if he will be extradite to UK, he will vomit all about Jihadist camps, terrorist networks in Pakistan and ISI involvements in all sorts of terror export from Pakistan to all over world.

It is world known fact that Pakistan is a world’s leading exporter of Islamist terror and almost all organizations and training camps, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba linked to Mumbai terror attack was created, supported and used by ISI to fight proxy war with India in Indian Kashmir state. These organizations JUD or LET are the only expanded form or we can say that new baby face of Al-Qaida and Taliban’s organizations with old objectives “Terrorize World by Terror Attacks’ and Fight against non Muslims and non Islamic states.

 Al-Qaida and Taliban’s were set up by Pakistan Army and ISI to fight against Russian in Afghanistan and once that over in late eighties all train Jihadist were sent to new mission fight against India and start a proxy war so that India can de-stabilize and Pakistan take over Kashmir especially Kashmir prize asset the Kashmir valley. But unfortunate Pakistan all this game plan didn’t worked out and in the end of the day Pakistan itself become failed state and nation and even lost control from all Jihadist organization which they had created for their own benefits.

Loads of people say that Pakistan is itself a victim of terrorism and it’s a major ally in War against terror. To be honest Pakistan really didn’t wanted to play any part in War against Terror because they knew it very well that War against Terror is not going to be only Afghanistan centric it will expand to Pakistan to clean up all Al-Qaida and Taliban’s mess from North frontier state of Pakistan which means killing of their own Jihadist and home grown terrorists. But a single call from USA after 9/11 in which President. Bush harshly or bluntly said to Pakistan government “you’re either with us or against us” forced Pakistan to stand by world and fight against own Jihadist establishment and ISI supported organizations. Secondly yes Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism but who is responsible of this? Pakistan itself, they had created these terrorist or we can say ISI and Pakistan Army has brain washed innocents, illiterate and poor youths from Pakistan and Afghanistan for their own benefits and for their political agenda. Pakistan has been trying to set up all sort of terrorist and jihadist organization and de-stabilize Jammu & Kashmir and create havoc in this region and get international sympathy for Pakistan government point of view so that Pakistan only motive divide India can be achieved.

It’s just SHAME that Pakistan Government is still in denial mentality. All they are doing at the moment is Talk, Talk and Talk but No walk. They are only  busy in trying to delay the investigations and checking our passions or it might be possible they are very reluctant to take any action against their own establishment but to be honest if Pakistan won’t act this time then I am sure that the very existence Pakistan is at risk. They have to act and Pakistan government must act to clean up the mess they had created about 2 decades ago for its own survival and Pakistani people sake else Pakistan will become full fledge failed states like Somalia in coming years.

All I can say at this time that our Indian Government should send again a very strong worded and clearer message to Pakistan government about this hide and seek political games, only talk and talk and no walk will not solve the issue and we want justice for our all innocent’s died in Mumbai terror attack by your nationals and supported by your establishments LET, JUD and ISI. So you (Pakistan) must act or we will act as we have all options open for us and we can go to any extent to get justice done for our innocents died because of your terrorist act. We need to make it very clear that for every innocent life lost in Mumbai Terrorist Attack on 26th November Pakistan have to pay big price for this mistake if they failed to act as per our request.

Never Surrender!! We Must Fight Back!!

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Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, among other four Pakistani Militants added to UN terrorism sanctions list

Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, among other four Pakistani Militants added to UN terrorism sanctions list 

WASHINGTON – A United Nations Security Council committee put three Pakistani leaders of the group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and a Saudi operative on a terrorist watch list Wednesday as new evidence surfaced that the group blamed for the Mumbai (formerly Bombay) attacks has expanded its activities and its fundraising well beyond South Asia.

A UN document obtained by McClatchy said that LeT has sent operatives to attack US troops in Iraq, established a branch in Saudi Arabia, and been raising funds in Europe. The group may also have received money from Al Qaeda, suggesting that it has close ties with Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network based along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, the document said.

First hurdle Clear for India?

Militants included in list are Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi , Haji Muhammad Ashraf and Mohmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq. Yesterday the United Nations Security Council has forced sanctions, including a travel ban and assets freeze, on four leaders of a Pakistani militant group (Mr. Muhammad Saeed as leader of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi as it’s chief of operations, Mr. Ashraf as its chief of finance, and Mr. Bahaziq as its financier) blamed by India for last month’s deadly and worst ever attack terrorist attack on India soil in Mumbai.

All four were accused by India and US for terror attack in Mumbai on 26 November 2008 in which more than 180 innocent’s people were brutally killed by the terrorist trained and financed by Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (Let). Though India also wanted to include Hamid Gul on the UN terror watch list, notorious retired chief of ISI Pakistan but China a close ally of Pakistan blocked the move by vetoing the Security Council bill.

So what’s next? Will Pakistan government will be able to crack down on Terrorist organization operating in Pakistan? This is a big question as most of the terror outfits have got backing and even involvements of some of notorious spy agency ISI and Power Army of Pakistan member’s for training and financing purpose. But let see I am just hoping that this time government of Pakistan will do everything to make sure that these type of militants won’t be able to stand again, if Pakistan failed to do then international community are bound to clear out this mess at any cost.

Will this recent arrest and putting these militant under house arrest satisfy India? Of course not we need justice and we need these militant should understand that for every innocent killing in India you people have to pay price and a very big price. So Pakistan should hand over these militants to India so that we start our jurisdiction procedure and get the justice for innocents killed in Mumbai by these militants.

Pakistan under More Pressure: India released Names and Full Details of Terrorist involved in Mumbai Terror Attack

Pakistan under More Pressure: India released Names and Full Details of Terrorist involved in Mumbai Terror Attack

Pakistan government comes under more pressure after Indian authorities released the full details of terrorist involved in Mumbai terror to act strictly and decisively this time. Indian Authorities in Mumbai today released the full details of all ten terrorist involved in Mumbai terror act. Indian authorities has provided evidence which clearly shows and confirms that all ten terrorist are Pakistani national and has been trained in Pakistan with the help ISI, Let and JUD. So will Pakistan really going to act this time decisively so that we both country can live peacefully?

Mumbai Terrorist, Source Times.co.uk

Mumbai Terrorist, Source Times.co.uk


Police released the names of the nine gunmen killed in last month’s attack on Mumbai and listed their home towns in Pakistan yesterday, stepping up the pressure on the Pakistani authorities to crack down on the militants allegedly responsible.

Pakistan, meanwhile, raided another five militant sites and detained 20 more suspects but refused to extradite any of those it has arrested to India, promising to try them on its own soil instead.


I have doubts about the Pakistan intentions and willingness to get rid of these organizations. I do have many reasons to doubt about intentions of Pakistan government in dealing with terrorist but don’t want to go into details of all reasons but in short look at the past track records of Pakistan government and Army in tackling terrorist organizations. US-India both confirmed Pakistan that India does have full evidence which clearly shows that full terror plan for terror attack in Mumbai was made and executed from Pakistan based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), so this time Pakistan have to act decisively and even government of Pakistan did confirmed that they will act strictly.

But look at the mess again Pakistan is creating now or should I say a trick to buy some time for its dirty intelligence agency ISI and Powerful Army generals to clean their hands, arresting terrorist members of Jama’at-ud-Da’awa (JuD) and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and putting them into house arrest is a joke. We are not dealing with politicians or community leaders that you put them into house arrest and give them respect, we are dealing with terrorist or should I call deadly terrorist. You (Pakistan) are supposed to act in strict manner, if you can’t deal with them then let other forces deal with them.

Pakistan must act decisively and strictly this time either under pressure or willingly. World is looking at you so don’t let them down. 

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My Views: My Analysis: India’s States Post Elections Analysis: Yesterday’s Election Results a symbol of Progress, Development and Hope

My Views: My Analysis: India’s States Post Elections Analysis: Yesterday’s Election Results a symbol of Progress, Development and Hope

Post Election Analysis: So now dust has cleared from the states election results, I have decided to share my election analysis and views with you people.

Congress (I) victory in 3 key states of India and her main rivals BJP victory in 2 states capped an unprecedented surprise rise of Indian electorate power and their thinking in Indian political scenario. Cast & Religion has always been a wild card in Indian politics since we got independence but yesterday night  elections results of 5 states assemblies gave me immense sense of happiness and made me feel proud that at least this time Indian electorate especially youths reshuffles the deck and voted for key issues we are facing today in our states. They (Indian Electorate) voted for state development issues, progress of their own states, hope for better future and didn’t listened to all negatives campaigns ran by opposition parties and sentimental speeches done by many leaders of many parties. In this election, victory for Congress (I) in 3 states and for BJP in 2 states offer’s monumental transformation of Indian electorate face, their thinking about Indian political mathematics.

Those who lost in this election should try to understand and hopefully will listen (I hope and Wish) to the voice of India’s electorate, youth power that’s they had enough with religious sentiments and want to move forward on the lines of development and better future.

A very clear message which was send out by our educated electorates in this elections from my point of view is that Politicians please change you negative policies, religious political tactics and false promise talk and work towards progress, development of the states and India as whole and if you can’t do this then please Change your Job.

A very live example is Uma Bharti a fire brand leader with all sorts of religious and cast political strategy lost election in MP by a new comer candidate from her own constituency. Same sort of tactics BJP tried to play in Delhi and Rajasthan, politicize terrorism issue especially after 26th November by issuing different sort adverts in national media to capitalize on this terror effect in Delhi and Rajasthan elections. This strategy didn’t work out in favor of BJP in both the states Delhi and Rajasthan. Result we all know BJP lost both the states.

While on other hand Congress (I) in Delhi and BJP in MP and Chhattisgarh ran a very positive campaign about development of local states, religious prosperity, progress and hope, better state infrastructure, peace in states. This strategy did work out in favor of both the parties. Both parties won and were able to retain their state government.

The very core formula of Sheila Dixit, Raman Singh and Shivraj Chauhan was a belief that only progressive, positive and strong leadership had the answer to the challenges our states are facing in this century. They worked hard for development for their own states and made the case for government actions in responding problem faces by states in the economy, inflation, recession, education, healthcare, crime rates and terrorism.  

This positive thinking and strategy worked for all three leaders’s to retain their own states and government despite of negatives campaign ran by their own oppositions raising issues about recession, price rise, inflation and terrorism. People or should I call educated electorate of India did understand economic crisis is a global phenomena and nothing can be done in one night and these leaders’ also communicated the same to voters in a very clear manner. They understood that people of their own states need progress and development as a priority and these leaders’ offered a genuine promise based on their past work to fulfill their dreams with convincing analysis.

Victory of all three sitting CM and managing to retain their seats and government in yesterday results shows that right relationship between voters and government, a common language for both leaders and voters is a must to win any election.

So in short from my point of view in this election is that This Election does represent a positive milestone in our country’s political scenario.

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Indian Election Semi-Final: 5 States Assemblies Election Results

Indian Election Semi-Final: 5 States Assemblies Election Results

Congress Wins Semi Final by 3-2

Congress I scored a deserving winner to shatter BJP. CongressI wins Delhi, Mizoram and Rajasthan while BJP did managed to retain Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

Mumbai Terrorist Attack – Pakistan Link confirmed: Mumbai Terrorists Came from Pakistan UK national News Paper confirmed with Proofs…

Mumbai Terrorists Attack – Pakistan Link confirmed: Mumbai Terrorists Came from Pakistan….UK national news paper confirmed with Proofs…

Ajmal Amir Kasab the sole terrorist captured alive after worst ever attack on Indian soil is from Pakistan UK news paper confirmed. Ajmal Amir Kasab parents names are on Pakistan electoral role and even local villager’s did confirmed to reporter that they know Kasab and he did belongs to Pakistan but left the village about 4 year ago.

Ajmal Amir Kasab, interrogated in custody after last month’s attacks, which killed 163 people, reportedly told Indian security officials that he came from a place called Faridkot in the Punjab province. His father was named as Mohammed Amir, married to a woman named Noor. During the past week, Pakistani sources have cast doubt on the authenticity of the leaked information, which has had a predictably explosive impact on relations between the two countries.

The Observer has obtained electoral lists for Faridkot showing 478 registered voters, including a Mohammed Amir, married to Noor Elahi. Amir’s and Noor’s national identity card numbers have also been obtained. At the address identified in the list, a man identifying himself as Sultan said he was the father-in-law of Mohammed Amir.

A villager, who cannot be named for his own protection, said the village was an active recruiting ground for the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. ‘We know that boy [caught in Mumbai] is from Faridkot,’ he said. ‘We knew from the first night [of the attack]. They brainwash our youth about jihad, there are people who do it in this village. It is so wrong,’ he added.

Now I would like to know One of Most stupid Pakistani security consultant and strategic defense analyst I have ever seen or heard Mr. Zaid Hamid Views on this news and story. Mr. Zaid Hamid was so busy last week on Pakistan national channel giving his crap views about Mumbai attack and blamed that all attack was carried out by Hindu and Jewish Zionist and Pakistan got nothing to do with it, in fact he did told to new channel that Mr.Ajmal Amir kasab is not Muslim but a Hindu guy from India. I desperately need Mr.Hamid views on this story now….hope he won’t run away now……to hide his red face..come on Mr.Hamid let see what else you got say ……

Fresh CCTV Footage of Mumbai Terror Attacks

Fresh CCTV Footage of Mumbai Terror Attacks:

Police released new CCTV footage of Taj hotel, where we can see our brave police officers are fighting with these bloody terrorist without wearing any bullet proof jackets. 

Hats Off to Our Heroes, Police, Army, NSG Commandos and fire Fighters.