Terror trainer Cheema lives in Pak fortress

Good to see how soon Pakistan decline this claim…..

MUMBAI: One of the strongest links of the 7/11 blasts to Pakistan is Azam Cheema, who is in charge of training recruits for the Pakistan-based terrorist outfit, Lashkar-e-Taiba, say the Mumbai police and Indian intelligence agencies which took nearly three months to piece together the jigsaw.

Almost everyone arrested for the blasts has been trained by him, say the police. “Cheema, who is in his early fifties, lives in a palatial house in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, which is guarded like a fortress. He moves around with dozens of heavily armed bodyguards and escort cars. Every now and then, he makes trips to Islamabad to meet VIPs,” Mumbai police commissioner A N Roy said on Sunday.

It was in the LeT’s training camp at Bahawalpur that Faisal Shaikh (30), the LeT’s Western Indian commander, was trained. “Faisal was Cheema’s favourite student and wanted to stay back in Pakistan. But Cheema sent him back, saying that his mission was in India,” said the police chief

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